Sunday, February 27, 2011

Movies in general

I had to drive my car a fairly long trip this weekend, while driving I was thinking, what are the things that make a movie good? Is it the plot? Directing, editing, CG or other screen work? Famous actor or actress? Is it enough that the movie is "just" entertaining, or does it have to have some kind of a deeper thought in it? The list goes on forever.

What kind of features do you like in movies?


  1. It just depends on the movie. But mostly depends on the plot and good acting. Without those two things you get piles of shit.

  2. I like originality. And I prefer for it to have some depth to it. But it really does depend on the movie.

  3. originality, no cgi, directing and editing are very important.

    no GCI. ever. its never very good.

  4. plot/acting is the most important

  5. I mostly follow directors. So I like good, solid directing and writing. Actors, with a couple exceptions, I don't care about. (As long as it's good.) And as for CGI, I'm not going to say "None, ever." because you wouldn't believe what is actually done with CGI these days. But as a general rule, I'd prefer if they kept it modest and tasteful.

  6. i like originality and strong endings.. a surprise twist that isnt forced is also a nice touch.

  7. I think originality and story is most important! If the movie has no plot I can't watch it.

  8. Plot, for sure. Actors are totally arbitrary in my opinion.

  9. Plot plays a huge role. Although the acting and directing must be good, too, otherwise it isnt so obvious that the plot is so good.
